Sharepic with details about the inclusivity webinar

📢 Inclusivity Webinar Live-Stream 📢

The TransEET team has an exciting event to announce. A public webinar centred around “good inclusivity practices in scientific collaboration” will take place at the University of Turin and will be streamed online on Wednesday, November 20th from 14:00 to 15:30 CET (Central European Time).

Ornella Robutti and Chronis Kynigos comment on how the Transeet project can contribute to inclusivity in scientific networking in unique ways and lead through the event. Chiara Giberti shares cross cultural reflections in international academic collaboration. Sandro Coriasco highlights how technology can facilitate inclusivity and Andrea Ghersi provides a summary of the inclusion pathway focusing on education research projects.

Based on these insights, Christina Gkreka presents our “Network-knowledge Management, Administration and Science Toolkit” (NeMAST), which we are continuously developing to help researchers lead projects in inclusive and sustainable ways. The toolkit will soon be freely available here on our website.

Join us on YouTube for this unique opportunity to dive into inclusivity in education research and help us shape this toolkit to make it as useful as possible.YouTube: