Photo of a folder with ICTMT16 branding as a cover.


The 16th conference on education and the digital society, organized by the University of Athens (UoA), was attended by many experts in the field. It provided a unique platform to explore the profound impact of technology on education. 

Sponsored by the TransEET project, the event proved to be a resounding success. It offered in-depth discussions, insightful presentations, and fruitful networking opportunities. Exciting sessions covered topics such as innovative educational technologies, digital literacy, artificial intelligence, and ethical considerations. Collaboration and networking were encouraged, creating an inspiring atmosphere for sharing ideas and making valuable connections. 

The TransEET Project’s significant sponsorship underscored its commitment to transforming education through technology. The Education and the Digital Society conference left a lasting impression and highlighted the potential of technology to empower learners, educators, and communities. 

Gratitude is extended to the University of Athens, the organizers, and the TransEET project for orchestrating such a remarkable event while looking forward to continuing the dialogue and shaping the future of education in the digital age.