If you have been following our social media, you have seen many of our activities but might not know what the project is all about.
In that case, have you ever wondered how to effectively use emerging technologies to transform education research and practice?
The TransEET project aims to answer and formalize this question with the CoFE method, which is based on three pillars:
1- Communities of Interest (CoIs) bring together people with diverse backgrounds and expertise to create aโฆ
2- Flow of rapid prototypes. A rapid prototype can be any artefact created quickly without much refinement to communicate ideas more concisely than explanations alone could. The CoI or individual members in the CoI discuss and review the prototype and go on to develop new versions. This process repeats itself which leads to the participating members developing some rudimentaryโฆ
3- Expertise in fields they had not yet interacted with before. This allows them to become Actors with Hybrid Expertise (AHEs)
In the following months we will give you more insights into this method, how it has shaped our collaboration in the project and how you might benefit from using it in your setting.
To learn more about TransEET, follow us on social media or explore our website at transeet.eu.